It's around 6 o'clock in the morning, we are leaving from club after awesome New Years party. We are heavily drunk. Getting inside taxi and going home. I reached home, but my friends continues the way to their home, which is in other town.. I got into house and went straight way to bed. New year is done for me! My friends were on the way to their home, when they reached it, my friend forgot hers bag in the taxi. In the bag - mine, hers, and hers boyfriends passports, hers credit cards, phone, and all most important things. Sh**!!! What to do now? How to get our things? Are they lost forever? Shock and fear. There suddenly boyfriends phone rings and it is call from girls phone, which is in taxi. It's taxi driver! He dialled the last called number, and thanks God it was boyfriends number! He offers to come back and give it to them, if they agree pay for taxi or wait till next days morning and pick it up in Sheffields town center. As the place they were is long and far distance away from Sheffield, and it is 1st january, hey agreed with picking up the bag in the town centre at the next day. In a while they decided to call him again to confirm meeting place and time, but girls phone is off.... Did taxi driver changed his mind? Suspicious move what make us think about losing everything again. I am already getting information about closest embassy in the case we need to make new passports, girl called to banks and blocked hers bank cards and internet bank. Waiting. trying to reach girls phone number, but it is still offline. In couple of hours they receive call from girls number again! Taxi driver is on the way to give them back hers bag. He reaches their town and place, and gives back everything whats in! Taxi driver receives some reward for being such a human! Thanks so much to this kind of people. It's made me think, that still there is good people in the world! We were lucky! :)
One more interesting and positive story about UK taxi drivers. Once my friend ordered taxi and it came 45 min later that it should be. Then on the way taxi driver decided to take petrol, which makes this situation worse. My friend gets more mad. But when he gets back in the car he gives chocolate to my friend and apologizes about all situations. Isn't it sweet!? :) After on the way they were singing christmas songs together! :) The happy end!
P.s. If you do have any nice taxi stories, please share with us! ;)
One more interesting and positive story about UK taxi drivers. Once my friend ordered taxi and it came 45 min later that it should be. Then on the way taxi driver decided to take petrol, which makes this situation worse. My friend gets more mad. But when he gets back in the car he gives chocolate to my friend and apologizes about all situations. Isn't it sweet!? :) After on the way they were singing christmas songs together! :) The happy end!
P.s. If you do have any nice taxi stories, please share with us! ;)