It's been 27 days since I don't smoke!!! I am strong and I can prove it! lol To be very honest, I did had few fags on saturday, it is just impossible to go out, drink and to not smoke! But so far so good! And to be more honest, it is really good and easy feeling when I don't smoke! Feel much more energetic and powerful and not so heavy! Also it is 11 days since I don't drink coffee!! I could say I am getting the same effect what I got from quiting smoking! My health improves indeed! So, since I don't smoke and drink coffee I am planning to do some charity and donate my blood. Only thing I have to reduce or much better would be to stop it at all, it is alcohol! What to do that I love it? I enjoy being tipsy and enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks! Recently I reduced my alcohol level in me, because of my economical situation. No money, no honey! He he! At least I saved few days of my life! lol Well, guys take example from me and STOP to take those toxic smokes in your lungs! BREATHE & LIVE! :)
Good luck! :)
Good luck! :)