Brit Awards 2012

Hello! This is going to be about BRIT AWARDS 2012! If you watched it, I want to know your thoughts about this event! I was watching it and to be honest, I was a little surprised how cheap it was. It’s event where we suppose to give a honour to British best artists! To give a honour to people who make us to be proud, who take Britains name out in the world! They are our stars! But this show proved that they are just a few people with ability to sing, nothing more. Evening host James Corden is good comedian, but he does not suit for this kind of event. All this show was little bit like joke, fun! Tv time was too short, what proved that our stars even didn’t had time to say thanks to people, to fans! Last moment when Adele got award, and James literally pushed her away of stage, because other band had to perform their song. It was so embarassing to all British nation. Everything happened so fast and without any emotions. I think this event Brit Awards should be in higher level! But, I am not even British, so I just wanted to share my thoughts.