As it was Latvia's Independence Day, loads of news agencies wrote staff about people who has left Latvia to go to live abroad. Saying that these people are betrayers and that they are weak and careless and many other not so good things. Now approximately abroad lives around 200'00 Latvians. I absolutely don't agree with them! I wanna brake these stereotypes! Personally I left from my country 4 years ago. I finished my studies and I had a chance to go to Cyprus, cos my mom already lived there for one year! It was not easy to leave everything I had and go somewhere I never been and where everything is new. I knew I will have to start absolutely new life! New languages, new people, new rules, laws, weather, everything! At that time my English was in "yes and no, thank you" level, so believe me, it asked a lot of courage and power to be able to start new life from almost 0!!!! First months in Cyprus was so exciting, so I didn't even miss my country, I didn't even think about it! Then, when things are not so exciting anymore and they have become more as usual staff, you start to realize what happened. What have you done to make your life better. Where are you, what you have at the moment and what you had before. You start to compare things, how this is here, and how it was back home. You start to question yourself, is it right, should I be here? Will I go back? Then memories flies above you as dark rain clouds. Memories about family, friends, school, just even how nice it was to go out and be on your own land. Then you realize what have you sacrificed for your own life! You have left your home, your family, your friends, and everything you had all these 18 years of your life. Everything is there, but I am here.... It is really hard when it comes to Christmas or any national celebrations, you feel so empty.... We can make the same foods, decorations, get some Latvians around, sing Latvian songs, but still it will never be the same! I've never been my countries betrayer! I love and adore my country, always been big patriot! We all want a better life and sometimes we have to do things what we don't really want to, just to achieve what we want, what includes leaving the land you grew up and lived most of the life. But it doesn't mean that I've stopped to love my land, love my people and forgot traditions! I will always carry Latvias name in the world for the best! Latvia is the most beautiful country in the world! Lesson of the day: Don't judge a person before you've been and felt how it is to walk in his shoes!
Your Andris.
Michael Jackson fever is building again as the three-year anniversary of his death approaches on June 25, 2012. I am paying tribute to the Pop King icon by playing all my favorite MJ classics into the very day he past on June 25th. Celebrate his life and music with me by leaving your comments below of you favorite MJ moments and music in below comments. .andrushka.©.
Good morning my people, it's 11:01 in Sheffield, UK. The weather today is wet, grey but kinda warm and calm. It's only four days left and Christmas will knock on Your doors. Family, food, songs & presents! As we all know, not everyone will celebrate Christmas, so for the rest of people I wish short and easy working day, and bright and not less happy winter time! ;) Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile. I just wanted to put some thought on here, so I can produce new ones, haven't got so much free space in my head though. Here I go... Yesterday, all day long I was writting "my life story" (short version). Writting, deleting, editing, again deleting... Still uncomplete. I am not sure what can I share with people, what I should share, and what I should not. To share a memories are not sin, right? Is it wrong? Is it good or even worthless? I gave answer to myself: If you have right people with whom to share and who will listen, go ahead! But if there is no one, or just somebody, it's not worth it! It's will only hurt and dissapoint you! And there is third option: share with everyone, known people, unknown, don't care that much. Write/say enough sensitive so people listen to you, and don't say too much personal information, that in future could harm You. World is full with crazy unstable people. Be aware what info You share. But to be honest, you never know, maybe it's all fake!? Who cares and who's not? Simple as that: people who knows me - cares. People, who doesn't know me, doesn't care or I write true or not. Most important, that information is readable, interesting and informative. So I am mixing few ingredients together: True, action, love & information. And then this delicious coctail are ready for people who visit my blog! Thanks for being here with me! Kind Regards, Andrushka.P.s. If we talk about memories, this is the first song I fall in love when I came to Cyprus! Still love it! Ahh, great memories! :)