Well well well! I feel sooo good! Had my first day at work again after so long time being jobless... It's not really my dream job, but I may start to like it! Recently I start to like so many new things, dunno what's wrong with me! Anyways, today I started to work at care home as domestic/caretaker, I am responsible for rooms and basically have to keep house clean and tidy. Care home is for elderly people with mental problems, this will be huge experience! Besides later on, if I fancy, I can become a nurse or person who take care of those people. Dunno professional language. Well, it's possible to earn many kind of certificates, like example NVQ untill 2nd level. Job is just part-time though, but I will try to find one more to work in evenings. Now I am working monday-friday from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm! Only 5 hours, so have much more time left, and I could fill it with other job. :) It's so nice to feel useful again and nice to know that somebody appreciates my job! :)
Today at 00:00 (UK time) I am going to delete my Facebook profile! Saying enough to all this drama, gossips and bull***! Kinda braking my connection with my friends all around world, but if they are my friends, they know how to find me! Most probably most of people will not even realize that I am not there anymore! lol Anyways, I want to see how long time I will survive without facebook! It's really strong addictiveness, need to cure myself! So if you need anything from me, ask me here or send info to my e-mail! wish me good luck! :D